CCIJF – 在仏日本商工会議所



On July 7th, 18 members of the AsIsKai golf association met at Apremont for the 233rd round. As usual, the golf course was in excellent condition. The weather was rainy at the beginning but finally sunny and a little bit windy. All conditions were there to enjoy a golf party. We had the pleasure to welcome a new member, Mrs Akiko WATANABE.

With my partners SUZUKI-san, ANDO-san and TANAKA-san, we had good time during the 18th holes. I was not confident on the tee shot because it was the first time I play golf since seven months. I had doubt on my golf technic and my capability to sustain a reasonable golf level over 18 holes.

As usual our team was very friendly and we enjoyed all the holes. My partners were very strongs and help me to leverage my level. I was able to close the course in 104 shots which gave me 70 in net. This was enough to win today’s competition. I had the pleasure also to win a near pin contest on the 12th hole. This was the first time for me.

Everybody gathers around the traditional curry sharing their own golf experience and any other topics.

We had most important highlights today with the “hole in one” of NAKAMATSUO-san on the 3rd hole and KATAKAWA-san playing less than his age (75 for 77) . Warm congratulations to both gentlemen

My new handicap will not ease a future victory, but I’ll be there to do my best during the next rounds and continue to support the good relations and exchanges between Japan and France.

I’m looking forward meeting the Asiskai members again.